Equestrian Interschools Ireland



The league and qualifier final:

Competitors MUST compete at the Final to be eligible for places and prizes in the League.

Competitors are reminded that they must enter competitions with the horse's registered name-the name that is stated on its passport. 

Passports and Vaccinations: In compliance with the Department of Agriculture each competitor must have its horses passport and up to date vaccination record available on the day of competition. 

Reminder if you are competing in the EII novice 90cm class you must be a novice rider and attending second level and if you subsequently compete at open level you will not be eligible for the EII novice 90cm final. 

Click here for rules and regulations.

Click here for worked examples of team scoring

Click here for HSI Code of Conduct 

Click here for EII member and member representatives charter

Click here for Balmoral Championship rules


Chef d'Equipes should ensure that riders put forward for competition are of a standard and sufficiently experienced to jump in that competition. The onus is on chef dEquipes and EII members to be familiar with the rules and to know which classes the riders are eligible to compete in.

TRI Equestrian Sponsorship. TRI Equestrian has kindly offered sponsorship for this year. TRI Equestrian are giving vouchers for first second and third in the Open Team and Individual Competitions and these are in ADDITION to prizes being presented by competition organisers.

NOTE: The Equestrian Interschools League Committee facilitates event organisers by publishing these general rules and guidelines and by publishing a calendar of events and results. The commitee also records results submitted which are then, if the event is part of the league, collated for the team and individual league. Event organisers are responsible for the submission of the results. Events are run by schools and/or equestrian centres and carry their own insurance for the event. All EII members have public liability insurance and member to member insurance. See rules link above. The central committee is not involved in the running and organising of these events, other than by publishing them in the calendar and recording results submitted by the event organisers. All queries pertaining to the events should be directed to the event oganiser. The equestrian Inter Schools League Committee organises the final of the league in conjunction with the venue nominated to host the final. It will run under the venue's insurance. All people involved in equestrian events, whether running an event, running a club, coaching or otherwise are advised to familiarise themselves with the HSI code of ethics and good practice in Equestrian Sport.

SUBMITTING RESULTS: We have been asked by the Irish Field to remind organisers that the deadline for results is the Tuesday of the week for publication. Also the format is the schools name followed by the pony then the riders name in brackets followed by the next pony and so on. EG:1, Scoil Mhuire: Dobbin (Mary Smith),Golden Wonder (Ann Jones) Bob's Pride (Jack Jones)and Camelot (Joseph Jones); 2, St Patrick's and so on... A short report /article should if possible also accompany this. Both should be copied to us in order for us to collate league results



Competitors are reminded that they must enter competitions with the horse's registered name-the name that is stated on its passport. 


Schools and Individual competitors must compete at the final to be eligible for league prizes.

RE NOVICE TEAMS: Competitors and Chef d'Equiipes are reminded that the only reason an open rider should be entered on a school's novice team is to ensure that the school can field a novice team and the open rider must be on a novice pony and must not jump off for the novice team. A novice team should not contain more than one open rider. This rule is self policing and it is up to the Chef d'Equipe , parents competitors and school to ensure that the entered team is following this requirement. See the rules and regulations. 

There was one change to the format for 2021/2022, which will continue in 2022/2023 2024/2025 and subsequent years.  The primary team league is replaced with a primary Individual league. The primary team competition will still be held as a competition on the day and there will be a primary team championship at the Final for which all primary teams are eligible. All other league competitions and qualifiers continue as in previous years. 

Primary Individual League will be for competitors jumping the 65 to 75cm round. If an event is running a 50 to 55cm in conjunction, those results do not count towards Individual league results. In the final a competitor's best 6 scores are brought forward and there will be points and a half in the final as per other league finals. any points gained at the final will be added to this score. Competitors must compete at the final to be eligible for prizes in the league, similar to our other league comptitions.

Team and Individual competitions Secondary and Primary

With regard to competition format for 2024/2025 event organisers can if desired (to prevent teams having to wait around)  run the team competitions as follows:

The second phase can be treated as the jump off round with the best 3 scores (faults and time in the second phase) added to the best three scores in the first round. This means that a third jumpoff round with two riders nominated to jump against the clock will not be necessary.

The individual competitions can follow a similar format. 

This will be reviewed in subsequent school years.


Classes which will be held at venues are as follows:

TRI Equestrian Open team league class-points towards final.

TRI Equestrian Open Individual League-points towards final. Novice team league-points towards final.

EII Primary individual class-points towards final.

TRI Equestrian sponsored 1.10cm class-six to qualify from each qualifier-Champion to be decided at final.

Equieire 90cm class-six to qualify from each qualifier-Champion to be decided at the final.

EII Novice Team league competition.

In conjunction novice individual and primary team competitions will be held. These are not leagues or qualifiers.

Note, not all venues wil run all of these classes. Check the individual show schedules when posted on the calendar.

Some venues will allow suitably experienced primary pupils to jump in the fun novice 80cm class but check with the event organiser to be sure. 

Click here for rules and regulations. 

Click here for example of team scoring


The onus is on EII members to be familiar with the rules and to know what classess they are eligible to compete in.

Pupils competing at Equestrian Interschools Affilliated events must become members of Equestrian Interschools Ireland. Membership is easy. Just click on www.itsplainsailing.com/club/eii

Our Insurance policy for 2024/2025 is in place. This gives members public liability insurance and member to member insurance at Equestrian Interschools events. . Also members continue to be insured under their schools' personal policy and the venues' own insurance. 

Members Insurance 

A nominal yearly membership fee will apply.

Members will receive a dedicated membership number and will be entered in the yearly EII draw. They will also have public liability insurance and member to member insurance. 

Whilst combined teams can continue to compete and be placed on the day at all the league competitions, combined teams cannot compete at the Open or Novice Team League final.

A school's teams 6 best scores will be brought forward to the final.  Similarly in the Individual league an Individual's 6 best scores will be brought forward to the final. Any points gained at the final will be added to this score. School teams and Individuals must compete at the Final to be eligible for league prizes at the Final.

A change of rider/horse must be declared in advance of competing.