Equestrian Interschools Ireland



A guideline for primary schools competitions is available on the rules page.

Submitting results

We have been asked by the Irish Field to remind organisers that the deadline for results is the Tuesday of the week for publication. Also the format is the schools name followed by the pony then the ride5rs name in brackets followed by the next pony and so on. EG:1, Scoil Mhuire: Dobbin (Mary Smith),Golden Wonder (Ann Jones) Bob's Pride (Jack Jones)and Camelot (Joseph Jones); 2, St Patrick's and so on

A short report /article should if possible also accompany this. Both should be copied to us in order for us to collate league results.

  • What is the role of the Interschools league Commitee?

The Equestrian interschools league Commitee facilitates event organisers by publishing general guidelines to ensure similar standards of competition and by publishing a calendar of events and results. The commitee also records results submitted which are then, if the event is affiliated to the league, collated for the team and individual results. Event organisers are responsible for the submission of results. Events are run by schools and/or equestrian centres and carry their own insurance for the event.  The central commitee is NOT involved in the running and organising of these events, other than by publishing them in the calendar and recording results submitted by the event organisers. All queries pertaining to events should be directed to the event organiser. The equestrian interschools league commitee organises the final of the leagues in conjunction with the venue nominated to host the final.


How will I find information on Interschools?

This website carries a comprehensive list of Interschools competitions, also rules for running and competing in competitions and details about how to organise a team in a school. Other centres also run Interschools which are not part of the league and you should contact equestrian centres in your vicinity to see if they are running a competition and you could also encourage them to do so. Any Interschools competition can be advertised on this website if the organisers contact us.

  • How do I start an Equestrian Interschools club in school?

Click on the get involved link on this website. There is also information on Horse Sport Ireland under its start riding link.